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CompanyDworkin Communication
Dworkin Communication

Dworkin s.r.o. vznikla v roce 1995 s úmyslem vytvářet profesionalní a spolehlivé zázemí uživatelům výpočetní techniky. Po celou dobu existence naší společnosti zabezpečujeme systémovou podporu malých i velkých firem. Těmto subjektům poskytujeme komplexní servis IT. Naše služby zajišťují IT inženýři, IT technici a IT studenti. Většina IT inženýrů disponuje minimálně 5-ti letou praxí v oboru. Jeden IT inženýr pečuje o potřeby cca. 110 - 170 uživatelů.

Dworkin s.r.o. was established in 1995 with the intention to create a professional and reliable background for users using computer technologies. Throughout the existence of our company we provide system support for small and large companies. These subjects are provided by complex IT service. Our services are assured by IT engineers, IT technicians and IT students. Most of our IT engineers has at least 5 years of experiences in this field. One IT engineer cares about the needs of approx. 110 to 170 users.

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  • If possible, mention your role in your organizations as well as your role as it relates to Lotus Notes.
  • Reviews between 100 and 500 words are best.

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